Route Tracking & Tape Measure Free 

Privacy policy

This is about two different, but similar iOS apps: Tape Measure (Apple ID: 1640976939) and Route Tracking (Apple ID: 1640976570). This policy applies to both of them.
 For analytical reasons, we may forward your location and other app-usage data to our third party partners called Amplitude and AdMob. No personal data is collected.

Terms & conditions

As a mobile application, there can be technical issues. Users have no right to complain about these, even if they are blocked to use the basic functions.

We, the developer and the publisher of these app are not responsible of any damages or injuries while using this app. We can’t guarantee that this app will work in the future. We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at anytime. If Users disagree with these modifications, they have to stop using and remove this app.

This app can remove all of its stored data without any previous warning. For example, if the full version (Apple ID: 1468011346) is also installed and started, all the measurements will be moved there. To get them back, data should be exported using the full version export function to a file, and this file should be opened with the Free version.

With downloading and using this application you also agree with Apple's Licensed Application End User License Agreement.